Fishing for Wellness

Bolstering wellness on and off the water

Fishing for Wellness (FFW) is a group-based approach to overcoming challenge and adversity. FFW teaches participants how to fish (traditional and/or fly-fishing) with the intention to enhance wellness and encourage sustainable, balanced living. From prepping the trip, to the rhythm of casting, FFW is designed to help individuals approach living with greater purpose and intention.



Our mission is to help resilient and courageous human beings overcome adversity and trauma, to foster outlets for healing among those who hurt, and to teach life-long skills that may bolster wellness and aid in the prevention of unnecessary social, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual angst.   

Core Values

·       Enhance direct and indirect access to fishing, including the actual experience of getting outside on the river, creek, lake, or pond—and in the contemplation of a fishing trip, including getting prepared for a trip the night or week before, reading about fishing destinations, and learning more about the species of fish one is pursuing.

·      Facilitate positive connections with angling including the exploration of memories (positive, neutral, and negative), the feelings and thoughts one has around particular experiences on the water, and the physical connections one has with themselves (i.e., noticing one’s experienced joy, anxiety, gratitude, judgment, etc.).

·       Develop an appropriate sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem on the water (and off!) in participants through the learning, implementation, mastery, and ongoing reflection of skills including 1) self/other safety, 2) target species knowledge, and 3) fishing skills and techniques.

·       Preserve the fish and the environments in which they inhabit with the purpose of fostering participant environmental, community, and self-agency.

·     Strengthen one’s experience of connecting with something bigger than themselves through the mindful engagement of one’s surroundings and his or her connection with the surrounding space.

·      Expand one’s sense of self to include positive connections with others on the river and off of it through the exploration of one’s connection with fishing, the environment, and others individuals may encounter at the places the fish.