Fishing for Wellness

Bolstering wellness on and off the water

Fishing for Wellness (FFW) is a group-based approach to overcoming challenge and adversity. FFW teaches participants how to fish (traditional and/or fly-fishing) with the intention to enhance wellness and encourage sustainable, balanced living. From prepping the trip, to the rhythm of casting, FFW is designed to help individuals approach living with greater purpose and intention.


Ryan Reese, PhD


Ryan has fished seriously for steelhead, salmon, and trout for 20 years throughout the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Fishing has been therapeutic in his own life, which has contributed to his passion for helping others heal through getting on the water. Ryan developed the empirically-based concept of EcoWellness and currently researches the concept with adult populations. He is in private practice at EcoWellness Counseling & Consulting LLC and an assistant professor at Oregon State University Cascades in Bend, Oregon in the Master of Counseling program.